Entrance Exam Information

At Design Investigations, we are interested in what makes you, You. Your personality, your thinking, your imagination, your aesthetics, your inspirations, your determination. Our admission process has been designed for you to showcase your potential.

If you’d like to join our department, then it is easy to apply. Below we explain the step-by-step process you will need to follow.

Application Process 

1. Register Online: 

The first step will be to register online via the central registration tool of the University of Applied Arts Vienna. https://application.uni-ak.ac.at. The Matura (A), Abitur (D), A-level (UK) or equivalent is an eligibility requirement for this application.

Portfolio Submission: When you register online, you will be asked to submit a digital portfolio. Rather than a conventional portfolio, at Design Investigations, we ask you to submit between 1 to 3 images that speaks to the way you think and work, and represent your skills, interests and experience. The chosen image/s can be of your own work or something that encapsulates your creative interests. We can’t wait to see your ideas!

Important note: The Registration period: 10th January – 26th January 2024, 12.00 (midday)

2. Invitation to the Entrance Exam in February 2024
After you register online and submit your selection of image/s, we will send out an email, inviting you to the entrance exam, which will be held in the week from 27th February to 29th February 2024.

3. Entrance Exam: Online or In-person
Conducted via zoom or on location, it’s up to you! The exam takes place from 27th February to 29th February 10:00-18:00.
Over the course of the day you will work on a number of fun and engaging design-related tasks and projects and get feedback from us. You will then be invited to join us for an interview where we will talk about your journey so far and your hopes for your future.

4. Selection of Successful Candidates
Following the entrance exam and interview process, we will then announce the selection of our future students. Some of our students are very young when they join us, others are more experienced. We love this mix!

Between EUR 22,70 – EUR 749,42 per semester. The fee structure varies depending on your nationality. Please contact the Office of Student and Academic Affairs (studien@uni-ak.ac.at) for your specific fee obligation.

If you have any questions about our admission process or fees, please contact our Department Administrator, Elisabeth Windisch at: elisabeth.windisch@uni-ak.ac.at.

We can’t wait to meet You!

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