
2022 WS

‘Haltung’ is a deeply thoughtful and beautifully executed pre-diploma project by Denise Schindele. The project is an investigation of the relationship between outer posture and inner attitude. She looked at these two aspects separately to see if they are separable at all.

„I documented two processes that took place over a period of 7 weeks. For the first process I practiced weekly alternating exercises on 7 different topics. In parallel I wrote a text everyday to record my thoughts and my attitude towards myself, others and the world around me. Additionally, the writing reminds of that of a child. This is a symbol of the fact that as a child I went through life with more ease and authenticity, which I hereby tried to approach again.

The encounter with myself turned out to be an encounter with my resistances, fears, feelings of shame and guilt as well as the expectations I had of myself. In the context of my protective strategies and personal development throughout this process, the images and texts document exactly my state at the relevant time. I therefore come to the conclusion that it is simply not possible to hide it, it only depends on the way of looking at things and the will of wanting to learn the language of one’s own body.

I`ve started to practice observation and reflection on how I deal with the conditions and the body I have been given how this quality is reflected in my movements, ways of thinking, perceptions and actions and how all this forms an interwoven system“

fringilla velit, in eleifend nunc mi, Praesent