
‘Possible Futures of (Design) Education’

We were thrilled to have hosted an exciting panel discussion by DESIGN INVESTIGATIONS and Anab Jain at die Angewandte. On 14 December, we presented ‘Possible Futures of (Design) Education’, an online and in-person event that explored the futures of education, with a specific focus on design.

We were honored to welcome pioneering educators, thinkers, and practitioners from around the world who joined us to discuss what possible futures of (design) education we could help shape. This event provoked proactive imaginings of the future while inviting students and educators alike to forge different relationships in the present.

The rapid growth of AI, the urgency of climate change, and interconnected crises underscored the necessity of radically reimagining education during our discussion. The monolithic assumptions and goals of education, which have been complicit in shaping the worlds we live in, were (re)examined and (re)defined to navigate uncertainty. Our panelists delved into how we might adopt new tools and methodologies to go beyond human-centred approaches and cultivate hope in times of crises.

Following the panel discussion, two young respondents shared their thoughts, which was then followed by a Q&A session with the audience.

We were delighted by the turnout and the engaging conversations that took place. Thank you to everyone who joined us and contributed to this thought-provoking event.

Panellists & Responders:

Zoy Anastassakis (Associate Prof., Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)
Nana Biamah-Ofosu (Architectural Association School of Architecture, and Architect (director) YAA projects)
Rory Hyde (Associate Prof., University of Melbourne)
Anab Jain (Moderator, Univ. Prof. University of Applied Arts, Vienna & Co-founder)
Angela Neubauer (Student at Design Investigations)
Giovanna de Oliveira Andreotti (Dancer, Dance Instructor)
Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti (Dean of Faculty of Education, University of Victoria)
Fiona Raby (Professor, The New School, and co-author of Speculative Everything)

On 14 December 2023
From 18:00 to 19:30 CET (Central European Time)

At: Online, zoom and in-person at the Design Investigations Studio, University of Applied Arts, Vienna

FREE registration:

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