Social Anxiety


With the project ‘Vienna Empathy Spaces’ a collection of poems in the form of audio tracks was created. The topic the poems evolve around is social anxiety. The tracks are often linked to a specific public space in Vienna since these are places that can cause us to feel socially anxious or overwhelmed.
The location of the specific sights can be viewed on the project’s website or Instagram page. This is also where the audio tracks can be found.
In addition to that, we also invite people to take part and share their own experiences. This can be done by submitting written poems or audio tracks and by marking places in Vienna with an Instagram filter we created.
By sharing personal stories related to social phobia, low self-esteem, perfectionism, stress, social pressure, or panic, we want to offer the opportunity to get a better insight into other people’s reality and by doing that increase the feeling of empathy for each other.