Anab Jain
Professor & Course Leader
Univ.Prof. Anab Jain leads the Design Investigations Studio (ID2) at the Angewandte. An award-winning designer, filmmaker, futurist and educator, Anab brings vision and ambition to the Studio, preparing the students to become accomplished designers and informed citizens of the world.
Stefan Zinell
Senior Tutor
Stefan Zinell studied industrial Design at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. After graduating he started his own consultancy working for clients in the fields of interior, furniture and product design and joined the Angewandte in a teaching capacity.
Nikolas Heep
Senior Tutor
Nikolas Heep studied architecture at the TU Berlin and AA London. In 2005 he founded the design studio KIM+HEEP with partner Mia Kim. Projects span from commercial product and interior design to conceptual installations, research and teaching.
Peter Knobloch
Senior Lecturer
Trained as an electronics engineer, studied Industrial Design, self taught software, user interface, physical computing, digital fabrication and sustainability engineer. Teaches at the University since 1997.
Matthias Pfeffer
Senior Tutor for Construction and Engineering
Matthias Pfeffer lives and works in Tullnerbach near Vienna. He studied mechanical engineering and product design, his expertise covers a wide range of design engineering methods and tools.
Elisabeth Windisch
Studio Administrator